This quaint logging town, home to just under 5000 residents, manages to blend eccentricity and natural beauty seamlessly. Dubbed the jewel of “West County,” it boasts charming coffee shops, bookstores, bars, and art galleries that make it a destination in its own right. Whether you’re passing through or looking for a delightful stop, SFGate’s article beautifully captures its charisma and allure. Reserve our Valley Vista Home and savor the experience!
The Tax Implications of Renting Out a Vacation Home
Vacation home rentals in scenic areas come with complex tax considerations. Renting for under 15 days means no taxable income, but limited deductions. For rentals exceeding 14 days, you report income and allocate expenses. If personal use exceeds 14 days or 10% of rental days, you can’t claim a loss. If you pass the personal use test, you can claim a rental loss, but it’s typically “passive” and subject to limitations. Read Linkenheimer’s Advice here.